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Monday, November 29, 2010

20 things Guys should know about Girls

1. Always makes them feel loved.
2. A kiss on the cheek means “yes”.
3. They want us to put our arm around them at the theater.
4. Fighting and swearing doesn’t impress them.
5. They don’t always look our best, so please, get over it…
6. They’re not perfect.
7. The smallest things we do mean most.
8. When they say they’re cold it’s our invitation to come closer.
9. Hugs mean more sometimes.
10. Kiss them in the rain.
11. Don’t call them sexy or hot.
12. Being called beautiful makes them melt.
13. Don’t lie to them, they’ll find out.
14. Never cheat on them.
15. Hold their hand and hug them in front of our friends.
16. Never force them to do something they don’t want to do.
17. If they’re upset, comfort them.
18. They love it when you cuddle them from behind.
19. Text them at night to wish them sweet dreams.
20. Sometimes they need our advice too.

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